I shifted my focus to reviewing the year that was ending before I looked at the year ahead and it made a massive difference in how I set my future goals and intentions, and my achievement of them. It has meant that my previous unmet yearly weight loss and fitness goals have seen a drop of 6 stone and me running three times a week this year…result!
When Life Gives You Lemons Make Lemonade
I’ve seen lots of posts from people saying they are bored at home. Whilst these are trying times there are also opportunities that come from these experiences. so if you need to spend more time at home you could see this as a time to; Spend more quality time with[…]
7 top tips for achieving success in 2019
Achieve success for 2019Create your intention & find your solutions We are now approaching the end of January already, where did that time go! Did you make any new year resolutions, if so, are you still on track? There is a long-held tradition of making new year resolutions, with about[…]
Letting go…
A lot of our energy can be taken up by holding onto negative thoughts about past events or where we find ourselves currently. The feelings we are holding may be anger, sadness, regret, guilt, pain etc. If you have made the choice that you want to let go of this[…]
How To Keep Every Resolution Without Fail
We have all done it. We make New Year resolutions in January, maybe struggle to keep them for a few days or even a few weeks, make ourselves miserable and then lapse back into our old habits. How many Gym memberships get taken out in January for you never to[…]
It’s all about the perspective!
In September I celebrated my birthday, which I normally enjoy with relish, however this one didn’t feel quite so positive, I spent time reflecting on waking that morning on how I didn’t think I had achieved my goals for the last year, something I set myself each year on my[…]
Your Autumn Tune Up
If you own a car, bike or boat you will be well aware of the need for regular servicing, maintenance and a routine tune up, an Autumn tune up, if you will! Engineers have an adage. ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. This may hold good for a while[…]
Motivation to Find Wellness
Often, one of the main reasons my clients give me as to why they don’t yet have what they want in their lives is that they procrastinate – They don’t feel the motivation to do what they think they should do in order to achieve their goals or dreams. In[…]
How to keep every resolution without fail
We have all done it. We make New Year resolutions in January, maybe struggle to keep them for a few days or even a few weeks, make ourselves miserable and then lapse back into our old habits. Sure, we may keep a few of these resolutions during our life, but[…]
Creating your own life Manifesto
As coaches, like our clients, it’s important that we never stop learning and growing. For me wellness is not just about what we eat and what we do to move our bodies, it’s our whole life experience, and as such it’s important that all aspects of wellness are in balance[…]