Fast Phobia Cure
Let go of your long-standing phobia and start dictating your own way of living
When you have a phobia, it is easy to let your feelings over-run everything you do. You may even stop going to social events because you’re frightened something might happen – but why should an unreasonable fear get in the way of your happiness?
When you look at your phobia rationally, it may be hard to justify why you’re afraid. Unfortunately, this does nothing to stop the emotional reaction that’s triggered by your fear of snakes, spiders, heights, flying or something else…
How I can help…
Using classic NLP resources and techniques, I gently take you into a place of calm relaxation and work with you to gently untie the complex cords that bind your deeply held phobia in place.
Using a slow, understanding and empathic approach, you will be able to explore the reasons behind your phobia in a completely safe space. Take away the old emotions, stop the reactions and finally break the habit of fear that’s holding you back.
The Fast Phobia Cure
My five point process enables you to start embracing your own power and behavioural changes to escape the world of fear and limitation.
- Understanding the cause of fear – asking gentle questions and exploring the origins of your phobia and the supporting emotional context.
- The rational and reasons of phobia – establishing that your phobia serves no positive purpose in any aspect of your life.
- Relax and return – travel back to the moment your phobia started and relive the experience with different emotions and feelings.
- Unravelling the strands of history – break the chains of repetition and remove the old habits of reactionary behaviour from your personality.
- Taking on the challenge – if you want I can help you through those first experiences taking on your fear and coming to a new way of life.
Conquering your phobias and fears…
For many phobias overcoming them can be quickly achieved, especially with my Fast Phobia Cure. However, when the phobia is deep rooted it may take a little longer. My Fast Phobia Cure is individually tailored to you and, during our initial Clarity Call, we can discuss your needs in detail and formulate a plan of action to help you embrace a new confident life, one that is phobia free!
Start looking forward to a better future with my Fast Phobia Cure