
Debi Haden


When we find a positive balance in our lives it can have a massive impact on all aspects on our wellness and those around us.

Directing your precious energy into the right things will get you back feeling in control and focus you on those things that really matter.

let go

    • Do you feel tired and sluggish all of the time?
    • Do you find yourself running on empty?
    • Do you find yourself rushing around but achieving little?
    • Do you often find yourself overwhelmed and not able to focus?
    • Do you see others taking holidays, having fun and think ‘ I want that?’
    • Do you have trouble sleeping despite being tired all of the time?
    • Do you feel guilty that you don’t spend enough time with family and friends?
    • Are headaches and feeling generally unwell a part of your life?
    • Do you spend all your time looking after everyone else and none on yourself?
  • Do you often dream about a life without stress?
  • Do you feel like running away at times when it all becomes too much?

When our lives are our of balance it can have a negative impact on us both emotionally and physically. It can affect the relationships we have with other people and ourselves, causing us even more stress and anxiety. 

If we continue to live a life out of balance we can face ill health, relationship difficulties, and many other serious consequences.

By working together I can help you direct your energy in a more focused and positive way, allowing you time to take a breath and work on creating a plan where those things that truly matter get your time and attention. 

A balanced life equals a better life…

Learn more about my coaching packages that can be individually tailored to meet your needs…



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