If you are a business owner you are likely to be worried about what the future holds for you, You may be feeling overwhelmed by which way to turn and what to do next, which is normal given the circumstances, but now more than ever it will be important to get yourself focused and ready to think outside the box!
With so many people working from home, having to home school, generally entertain the kids, and having more time on their hand for exercise, hobbies, gardening etc, now may actually be the ideal opportunity for you to create a new aspect of your business.
Think about what issues people are facing right now and what can your business do to help solve them…
Can you offer a delivery service to local people?
I have seen some really innovative ways that businesses are working at the moment to provide a great local service. We’ve had everything from fresh crab to compost delivered. What can you offer?
Can you promote your online service more?
Now is a great time to build relationships and develop your reputation for when we come through these challenges. How are your website and social media sites looking? do they need updating? Can you engage more with your followers on social media, can you write blogs, email your contact lists to re-assure and make sure they know you are still there.
Can you adapt what you do to an online service?
Can you create some videos of your products? maybe a video of holiday accommodation you are promoting or share pictures, videos or information on what to do locally.
Do you do something that you could teach or demonstrate online?
Even if you use this time to stay virtually connected to your clients then you are maintaining contact and developing your business.
What can you do to support your local community?
You may not be able to run your business in the same way as you would normally but think about how you could you use your skills to support your local community. Although this may not directly impact on the running of your business and bring in income right now, think of it as future building. There is a feel-good factor for people knowing that certain businesses have stepped up and supported them, these are things people don’t forget and it’s an opportunity for people who may not already be aware of who you are and what you do to find out. We will get through this and when we do what people will remember is who helped them through these challenging times.
Clearly these are trying times but for many of you as business owners but this could also be an opportunity to rethink your business model, review your online presence, develop new products and take time out to plan for the future you want for you and your business…
Whatever the shape, style or colour of your box, try thinking outside it and see what happens. You never know, it might just revolutionise the way you run your business!
If you would like some support to thrash out how you can adapt, develop and think outside your business box then contact me for a FREE coaching call.
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