We all find joy in many different ways, I am so incredibly lucky that every day through my work I get to experience one of my joys, watching clients overcome challenges, fears, and phobia’s, open themselves up to the possibility of new things coming into their lives and then go on to create the life they deserve.
When I hear a client has achieved something, whether that be an action or turning a negative thought into a positive one I do a little happy dance in my head. To be honest I sometimes even have been known to dance around the room, feeling that absolute joy for them. There is no greater feeling for me, and how lucky am I that I get the privilege of walking that journey with my clients.
Today I did a very large jig in my head as I supported a client to go and have an injection, something she was absolutely terrified to do and had been since a child. The fear was intense and affected her both emotionally and physically. Not only was this fear stopping her from having the injection, but the fear was stopping her to realise some of her life dreams and goals.
We only started our work together two days ago so the timescale was tight but through some intense work, this morning she went along to the hospital and strided confidentially into the clinic and had her injection.
I cannot begin to tell you the absolute joy I felt at getting her excited text saying that she had done it, was smiling, and feeling so proud of herself. Not only that but that it had made her feel so differently about other aspects of her life. That is the power of NLP Coaching!
I cannot wait to see where this young woman goes on her journey, and am so looking forward to helping her travel it.
If you have a fear or phobia that is holding you back then contact me for your FREE coaching call and maybe before too long you too will be dancing for joy and achieving things you never thought possible.
Contact me today here
Happy Easter
May the Joy be with YOU!